World's Funniest Commercials

Location: NY

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back to Back in Black

I just stumbled upon this commercial while going to shop online at the (it's on the homepage). It's not a particularly funny commercial but I rather feel like expressing myself so here it is.

Apparently this dancing is taken from the movie Funny Face. I must admit, I've never seen Funny Face so I have no idea if she really says "If a girl wants to dance, a girl wants to dance" a billion times. I have a feeling she doesn't though, it's kinda weird.

I really like audrey hepburn and how elegant she is and obvi the gap assumes most people agree with me. It's funny that they are advertising for clothes that aren't even in the commercial. This is a commercial for The Gap's new "Audrey Pant"- skinny black jeans inspired by Audrey Hepburn. I'm almost positive the pants shes wearing in this commercial werent made by the gap.

Back to Back in Black

I just stumbled upon this commercial while going to shop online at the (it's on the homepage). It's not a particularly funny commercial but I rather feel like expressing myself so here it is.

Apparently this dancing is taken from the movie Funny Face. I must admit, I've never seen Funny Face so I have no idea if she really says "If a girl wants to dance, a girl wants to dance" a billion times. I have a feeling she doesn't though, it's kinda weird.

I really like audrey hepburn and how elegant she is and obvi the gap assumes most people agree with me. It's funny that they are advertising for clothes that aren't even in the commercial. This is a commercial for The Gap's new "Audrey Pant"- skinny black jeans inspired by Audrey Hepburn. I'm almost positive the pants shes wearing in this commercial werent made by the gap.

Friday, September 08, 2006


While I'm at it, I'll just keep going. Here is the longest commercial that will probably ever be on this blog. It's nearly 5 minutes of YPMB awesomeness and was made for the joint purpose of convincing impressionable freshman that the ypmb is cool and of entertaining the people who are in it.

Ok, secret time. I made this video with Ben. So I have nothing bad to say about it. Here's why this video (which we spent ALL DAY making) is Fing Sweet.
1. That first part is funny, isnt it? We made that up.
2. Because the band doesnt actually march well ever, it was really hard to find a clip to use with "And march in perfect step". That's why that clip of us in a Y is so short (and it's already slowed down a lot so itll last)
3. It has my backyard! And my house! (basically anything that looks like a backyard or a house is mine)
4. AC/DC
5. Phoebe brought me coffee and a cookie while I was making it cause she's totally cool.

Ok I guess I don't really like bragging so I'm going to stop now. Mostly I just wanted to share this some more and fish for compliments in the comments so go write something nice!

I am WOman

This Burger King commercial was one of the first that I liked enough to write about. I forgot about it for a while but today I remembered (thanks Matt!) and I have a little time so here it is:

I must say, I liked this commercial a lot more before I was empowered a couple of nights ago. Jeez, I wonder if they got in trouble for being sexist. Ok but anyway this isn't a serious blog so I won't write about that too much. Instead I'll write about the commercial and why I thought it was funny.

Well first of all, I liked it cause the main man is kinda cute in a way you don't usually see in commercials. And, for being so concerned about being manly, he's certainly dressed very nicely. I also like that he stood up and started singing in the middle of a restaurant. Sometimes I feel like doing that so I totally emphasize.

Ok, if he's gonna get mad about "chick food", I guess that gross thing he's served is something to get mad about. I mean, it just looks disgusting! What is it? A shrimp drizzled with grossness? Yuck. At least it doesn't even look that healthy. If it were something like a salad this commercial would turn from anti-small portions to anti-taking care of your heart, and that probably wouldn't be a good move on Burger King's part.

This commercial is really similar to the Maria Sharapova one in that there are TONS of people in it. I'll highlight some of my favorites:
The karate chop man who breaks a cinder block, the construction worker who punches his friend for the hell of it (or for the Whopper, I can't tell), and the man who pulls a dump truck filled with minivan. (ok i guess most of the other men just arent that distinguishable from the crowd).

The lyrics are something else I liked. Any commercial that can use both "I am incorrigible" and "Till my innie turns into an outie" within a minute is a little genius.

Going back to the appearance of that first guy, I guess none of the guys in this commercial are really super hottttt. I suppose it's to make this commercial appeal to the every-man (and not to the every-woman). I mean, I don't know if any of you guys will remember what this commercial was for, but I didn't- let alone go buy a double texas whatever. I saw that burger and threw up in my mouth a little. I mean, I like burgers a lot but man that's just too much meat.

And the conclusion of this post: I am a woman and this commercial was made for men so I did not buy a whopper whatever.